
AGU FM 2006, San Francisco
Special Session on Seismology

S09: Computational and Numerical-modeling Methods for Seismic Wave and Rupture Propagation

Computational- and numerical-modeling methods for seismic wave and rupture propagation have become essential tools for investigating earthquake physics, earthquake ground motion, and Earth's structure. Advances in interpretation of the seismic wavefield depend upon accurate and computationally efficient methods. Furthermore, continuing development of numerical/computational techniques is necessary to accommodate increasing realism in numerical simulations. Demands for increased realism in wave propagation simulations arise from numerous sources, including requirements to represent, for example, heterogeneity over a wide range of spatial scales, discontinuities in elastic properties, anisotropy, wide-band anelastic losses, and departures from linearity. Increased realism in rupture simulations requires, for example, accurate and efficient representation of frictional dynamics coupled to elastic and inelastic wave propagation, representation of geometrical complexities of faults and fault systems, and coupling of fault-zone mechanical and thermal effects over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. The increased complexity of computational models also raises serious issues with respect to verification of the methods, and their scalability. We invite contributions presenting new numerical methods and/or computational strategies, and novel extensions or adaptations of existing methods to meet new modeling challenges. Contributions are welcome that address improvement in accuracy, computational efficiency, scalability, and enhanced capability for representing realistic source and structural models.


Steven Day (San Diego State University)
Peter Moczo (Comenius University)

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